Sunday, November 3, 2013

Alone...But Not Really Alone!

There are days when I thought I couldn't go on anymore. People see me us the same Theresa as they've known for a long time. But nobody knows what I am going through deep inside me. Sometimes, I wonder if this a test or this is a consequence of wrong choices in my earlier life. Yet I got to thinking I am still alive, am I not? So what does it mean? I am weak most of the time. I can't do a lot of stuff as I used to do. I crave for some food I can no longer eat. I read a lot of stories about cancer patients who are supported by friends and families. But somehow, I felt alone in all these, literally.

I live alone by choice. I am the eldest, and I only have a mother who's nearing seventy. My siblings have their own lives in different places. So I guess I can't fault anyone from being alone. You may wonder why I never married. Let's just say I never opened up to anyone since my fiance died in a motorcycle accident years ago. I've recovered from my lose a long time ago, but I didn't find anyone to fill up the void. I am not closing doors though. Life always has it's little surprises.

My battle is not just to be free of cancer forever, but to have a positive attitude at all times. I miss my family. They may be far from me, but I will always have them with me, in my heart.

A family is a home within the heart.
It's a place where love starts and never ends;
It's the place where happiness begins.

A family is a blend of people and personalities
 who share a common path on their travels throughout the world.
Under one roof and enfolded within one wonderful feeling,
 a family brings together a million memories of yesterday, and
 a dream that distant tomorrows will keep them close, no matter what.

A family is acceptance. A family is trust.
A family is understanding when no one else is.
A family is perseverance and deep, personal pride.
Nothing can compare to the bond they share, to the history
 they hold within, or to the way their lives are interwoven with every smile,
 every tear, and every meaningful moment in the years they spent together.
Other things may come and go, but a family will never be apart.

A family is a home...warm within the heart.

>What is a family? By: Collin McCarty

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