Saturday, November 2, 2013

"I Am Happy Because I Choose To Be Happy!"

"I am happy because I choose to be happy!" It's been months since I started living up to this saying. It helped me a lot in conditioning my mindset every time I open my eyes, and everyday I go to work. But one wonders why I needed to believe in something when happiness should have come naturally. It's when I realized that it's my camouflage to survive out there.

Where's there? Well, one's life in a day does not easily start at sunrise and ends at sunset as the saying goes. It's the minute-details in between that really matters.

One time, I went shopping to take advantage of a big sale. I was very thrilled to add two pairs of jeans, two pairs of shoes and a beautiful dress to my wardrobe. I grabbed some catching fashion jewelries, too. All paid at half the original price. Then, I had some late lunch. I was happy. Shopping is really a therapeutic activity. But as the peso in my debit account is showing less zeroes than I would like it to be, my happiness is looking more and more the other way. Well, so much for my therapy.


  1. welcome to the blogging world, teresa. i am inspired by this mindset of yours. just pm me if you need anything. :)

  2. Thanks Mai...I've plan for this for a long time, but I never get the chance or time to start it until now.
