Thursday, July 3, 2014

What You Think You Are

"The mind is everything, what you think you become. - Gautama Buddha
'To win life's race, the mind must be put into training.' - Dr. Sidney N. Bremer.  I couldn't but agree with this. Many times in my life, I have doubted a course of action that I planned. Things that could have changed my life today. And no matter how excellent it was at that time, it never happened because I doubted it. Such was the case when I was supposed to take up Psychology in college, but opted to switch to Accounting, which I never practice in any way my whole career. It's sad, but that is the reality. I am not saying this because I am still dreaming of "what ifs" and "it could have been". I only visit these "chapters" in my life to remind me to "live what I think is right" and never hesitate. 
"What we do tomorrow depends largely on our thinking today." And so I planned to go back to school many times, but since I am working and I am not physically well, I am putting it off for sometime. However, today I found an opportunity for Distance Education. I know this is a lot of work and a lot of sacrifice, but this is something that I have to do if I am to realize the career path I still would like to take on. Documenting it this way will not only remind me, but will pave the way to the "marked gate".

I am reading the Volume II of Successful Achievement Course by Dr. Sidney Bremer. It has inspired me immensely that I would like to share some of his amazing thoughts. 

  • That is not the amount of knowledge, but the capacity to apply it, which promises success and usefulness in life, is a truth which cannot be too often inculcated by instructions and recollected by pupils.
  • Knowledge merely gathered together, whether in books or brains, is devoid of powers, unless quickened into life by the thoughts and reflections of some practical worker.
  • Always read with your thoughts concentrated, and your mind entirely engaged on the subject you are pursuing. Any other course tends to form a habit of desultory, indolent thought, and incapacitate the mind from confining its attention to close and accurate investigation.
  • We should read slowly, carefully, and with reflection.
  • Take time to deliberate and advise, but lose no time in executing your resolution. To perceive accurately and to think correctly is the aim of all mental training.
  • See yourself in the very place in which you most desire to be engaged, in the very work you would love best to accomplish.
"The mental attitude we take toward anything determines to a greater or less extent its effects upon us." - Ralph Waldo Trine 

"Mind is the great lever of all things; human thought is the process by which human ends are ultimately answered." - Daniel Webster



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