Thursday, June 26, 2014

One Day In A Year, May 29

May 29, 2014

This is an unexpected time when I got to bond with few of my friends here in Baguio. I do not normally celebrate my birthday, only because it reminds me that another year has been added in my life. But who wouldn't want to cheer another year of survival. A trophy for this cold uncaring world. I guess I should have spent it with my family especially with my aging mother, but I haven't had the chance to go home to our town. I do miss them and I have been planning and planning to visit them, but never had the chance to do it yet. I know, thousands of alibis but believe me it's in my to-do list in the very near future. They said that it helps (with my healing) to bond with family and friends. But since I am not able to do that all the time.I try to find alternatives for this. 

A story written by Sarah Mahoney published in the says: 


      The story says: "You know that feeling of being so engrossed in something enjoyable that you lose tack of time? Psychologists call that flow, an experience so pleasant that nothing else seems to exists. It can come from anything that absorbs you, from biking to knitting to devouring a Stephen King thriller. 

These engrossing leisure pursuits are the secret to aging well: A recent study of more than 3,500 older Japanese people found that those who had hobbies had less cognitive decline than those without. Not sure what floats your boat? If you can't remember the last time you were that riveted, try a few things that have always been on your to-do list but keep getting nudged to the bottom by the have-to activities."

I sure have a lot of hobbies to make me busy and blissfully happy. One thing I love the most is reading books and writing ideas and such stuff. Sometimes I get lost in some songs or I just tune up the music and let it drain away sore muscles and headaches. I sure love the weekend....


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