Thursday, June 26, 2014

Choose To Be Optimistic

June 27, 2014

I have often wondered if life has more to offer after all these years. I honestly can say that I am no longer "that" afraid to leave this world should the One Almighty choose to take me away from it. There are many things I have not had the chance to do or to accomplish yet. It used to depressed me a lot. But somehow along the way, I have discovered that I should stop stressing myself about it. I know that people are destined for different roles in life and there is no merit in sacrificing happiness over something that it can never be yours.

Reading magazine enlightened me further about why we should "Choose to be optimistic," said the Dalai Lama."It feels better." New science from the Harvard School of Public Health suggests he's right. Researchers say that cheerful people have fewer heart attacks and strokes, higher levels of "good" HDL cholesterol, and lower levels of triglycerides than gloomier people. Bonus: The more upbeat you are, the more cancer-fighting carotenoids you have in your bloodstream.There's no magic involved, the researchers note: Optimistic people tend to eat right, exercise, and take good care of themselves. The sunnier life seems, the more you're motivated to stick around to enjoy it.

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