Monday, August 6, 2018

Exploring Cabalitian Island in Sual

I never learned to swim, but that doesn't prevent me from enjoying the sun, sand and the sea. In fact, I'm a person who loves the ocean and the outdoors. Got no more leave credits and on a limited budget. But it's my birthday week (May 29th) and we're gonna make it happen. A check mark on my bucket list. 

We  didn't have any reservations because they said no more available rooms for a couple and we started out late because my husband just came home from his work-travel. When we arrived in Tubuan, Pangasinan, the banceros said it's too late already cause it's almost 6pm and it's windy and it'll be a challenge to go to the island. They encouraged us to just stay in one of the resorts in Tubuan. But I was stubborn and said no, didn't come this far to just hang out in one of them regular resorts, sorry to say. 

So, to cut the story short, got one of them boat to ferry us out in the island, for more than what they usually charge. And of course, along with the rough seas and the rain and the thunderstorm. Got me scared there, thinking this is it what you get for wanting an adventure, this maybe your last huh!!! Hahahaha...thanks to Mang Jun and his son, we got there safe and sound, if a bit shaken. 

In the island, all them folks we asked said they're fully booked. Uh oh. So we may need to camp out in the open without a tent. No girl scout there. But they recommended we check the kapitan in the area, and so we did. There was a room I liked but it's good for 6 people, and it was kind of a little pricey, what with an aircon and a private bath, in the island. We asked for a discount in lieu of coming in late and all that, and the good Kapitan (thank you Kapitan Santiago Taboy) gave  us 15% off. 

We were nicely settled in our cottage and later found out that there's no food in the island.  Thing is, you have to bring your own food and water. we had to ask the kindly Kapitan a favor again. Two thumbs up for their excellent service. Couldn't ask for a better host on such a short notice. We're definitely coming back in this place. So if you happen to come by this area, I highly recommend you check out Emoh Ruo Resort in Cabalitian Island.
Wonderful service and friendly folks and an amazing island. Thank you so much. Definitely one of my best birthday gifts.

P.S. Only thing is, I noticed too many trash and plastic left on the beach to my liking. They should reinforce "leave no trace" policy. They do clean the resorts in the morning, but only within the vicinity of their place. Also, some kubos built their structures too near the shore and no more space to languish.  #whitesandbeach #whitesand  #teeventures #bday2018 #cabalitianisland #emohruoresort #emohruo #sual #pangasinan #chooseph #itsmorefuninthephilippines #philippineislands #mackyntherry

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