Thursday, September 18, 2014

Making A Friend

Never confuse people who are always around you with people who are always there for you. 
-Gee Linder

Wikipedia says: Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between two or more people. 

Life cycle

Making a friend

Three significant factors make the formation of a friendship possible:
  • proximity, which means being near enough to see each other or do things together;
  • repeatedly encountering the person informally and without making special plans to see each other; and
  • opportunities to share ideas and personal feelings with each other.

Ending a friendship

Friendships end for many different reasons. Sometimes friends move away from each other and are forced to move on due to the distance. As long as the two people have met face-to-face in the past, however, digital technology has made geographic distance less of an obstacle to maintaining an existing friendship than it would have been decades ago. Sometimes divorce causes an end to friendships, as people drop one or both of the divorcing people. At a younger age friendships may end as a result of acceptance into new social groups. (Friendships, 2009; Berry, 2012)
Friendships may end by fading quietly away or may end suddenly. How and whether to talk about the end of a friendship is a matter of etiquette that depends on the circumstances.

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