Sunday, November 3, 2013

Let's Get Physical! Let's Get Fit!

Today, I woke up not feeling well. I am not sure if I can do my daily dancing exercise routine. It's been months since I am back doing this activity. I am a person who loves to wear beautiful clothes, and of course one can't do this with an extra fat. I am not thin, not even close to it.  But I guess I am much better fit these days than last year. It's been a year since I was hospitalized for profused bleeding. I had to wear "pampers" for six months, go through curettage twice, and depressing blood transfusions. Then I had the much-awaited hysterectomy earlier this year. My doctor has been recommending this for sometime, but it's not easy to schedule it when you are alone. My life has not been easy for many years. My body has been weak with too many medications. My operation was successful though, and me and my doctor was happy. However, when the biopsy result came in, I was crushed. 

Cancer was just a word to me previously. It was only like watching the news. I know what I am seeing is happening out there, but I didn't really know it. I was forced to accept it, get acquainted with it, live with it for a while, I hope. Then gently or forcibly evict it from my life. Endometrial (Uterus Lining) cancer is an alien entity to me.I didn't even know it existed before this. My doctor said this happens to women who never had children. I am glad I don't have to go through chemotherapy right now since it was diagnosed at an early stage. But my doctor wants me to be vigilant. Cancer is cancer. I am undergoing continuous laboratory tests and observation. I have to watch my diet and basically change my life-style in everything. I pray that I don't have to go through another operation (doctors recommend my ovaries removed, too), and much worse chemotherapy.

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