Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Power of Will!

I went to church earlier today as I always do on Sundays. Prayers make me strong. Prayers restores my faith. Prayers make me go on. One other thing that makes me happy and invigorated is reading. Last night, I revisited one of my favorite books. I would like to share this with anyone who is feeling depressed and losing hope. We have all the power of will, and we can do anything we set our minds to!

The Power of Will  
By: Frank C. Hadlock

          Above all, anger, irritation, jealousy, depression, sour feelings, morose thoughts, and worry should be forever banished from the mind by the resolute, masterful will. All these are physiological devils. They NOT only disturb the mind, but also injure the body by developing poisonous and distorting cells. They prevent an even circulation. The poisons which they generate are deadly in the extreme. They flatten and tear asunder cells of nervous tissue. They induce permanent physiological states which are inimical to vigorous will. They dispel hopefulness, and obscure high motives, and lower the mental tone. They should be cast out of life with the resolution that as aliens they shall always be treated. They maybe throttled and slaughtered and locked absolutely out of your existence. Whoever will accomplish these great results will discover a growth of will adequate to every normal demand (page 188 Successful Achievement Course).

          "All the world cries, "Where is the man who will save us? We want a man!" Don't look so far for this man. You have him at hand. This man - it is YOU, it is I, it is each of US! How to constitute one's self a man? Nothings harder if one knows NOT how to will it; nothing easier, if one wills it, " said Alexander Dumas.

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