Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Grazie: Second Annual Tribune Party 10.26.14

"I am a fan." These were the words of our Vice President of Operations (Northern Luzon) Mike de la Pena in his opening speech on Sunday. He explained later that Tribune (Sitel) got a nod from the clients for getting a 10 (the highest) in a Pulse Survey for satisfactory service, if I am not mistaken. Tribune is now in its 5th year of operations in Sitel Baguio 3 since 2009, and the clients are saying that there's no need to look elsewhere. A great feat considering the stiff competition, not only in the Philippines, but around the world for contact centers. The tent also went wild with the inspiring words of our DOO Mike Batac. He just joined the site 3 operations as our Director this year, but he has served as a silent motivator for us all, especially in Tribune. We hope to see him more in action. Hell yeah! 

The night started out with a bang with an explosive dance number from the LPP dancers, correct me if I'm wrong. It was followed by the opening remarks of our VP and DOO. All the managers and coaches and supports in Tribune and Sitel 3 were in attendance. The highlight of the evening is the production number from each property, of which a cash prize awaits the winning team. The CAG or Customer Advocacy Group (of which I belong) is the defending champion. It was the loudest cheer you could ever imagine after every presentation. We didn't get to defend our title, falling short of a few points from the victor, but it was a worthwhile fight nonetheless. LA (Los Angeles Times) bagged this years' title, CAG's coming in second, and Chicago Tribune came in third.

It was also a night of recognition for the people who set standards for excellence. The quality and save superstars got certificates and cash perks. Loyalty awards were also given to employees who are now five years with Tribune and counting. One of the reasons for the big turn out in attendance is the raffle draw. Power banks, Torque phone, tablets, camera, refrigerator, and an entertainment showcase (TV, DVD player and speakers) were up for grabs for the lucky ones. Every announcement was waited with bated breath, myself included. I so wanted the camera, but it was not my lucky night. Congratulations to the winners!

DeJaVu Band came back to join us this year. They were with us in Tribune's first annual party #Xiexie last year. We got to enjoy their kind of music once more. One of the LA peeps performer joined the band for a little bit of jamming. Photo booths were everywhere and so everyone got to pose for some precious memoirs. We were all in our gowns and glittering cocktail dresses and tuxes and ternos worthy for the red carpet. Advocates (CAG) stood out in the crowd and bagged the Best-dressed Male and Female of the Night. Congratulations Henry and Roella.

The music and the DJ were amazing, but not all of us got to dance the night away. Most called it a night earlier than expected. I guess every one's tired. Some just came off their shift from the previous night and others had shift in a few hours. But all in all,  it was an amazing Tribune party. Bryan and Ann were wonderful Masters of Ceremonies. Great job! Thank you for the dedicated efforts of the managers, OM Gus, OM Don, OM Shan, and others I may not know behind this 'give-back time' for the Tribune team. See you again next year. "Arrivederci al prossimo anno."

Friday, October 3, 2014

Streams and Rivers in Our Midst

This is what's happening in Manila because the main flood control was ill-planned, never maintained and no hope of ever fixing it in time for these poor souls to be saved from the struggle of commuting everyday. 

Commuters are stranded on Ramon Magsaysay Boulevard and Pureza Street in Sta. Mesa, Manila, after floods triggered by heavy rains that lasted for two hours submerged the area on October 1, 2014. At the height of the rains, flood in the area was waist-deep. The floods also caused heavy traffic and submerged other major thoroughfares in Metro Manila. (Tony Pionilla)
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"Mysterious river appears in EDSA", it does sound funny if you're not in the midst of it. It never changed. Wayback in 1992, a thunderstorm flooded Manila and its nearby cities that it was a stand still. I had to walk from PWU Taft, in my white school uniform I might add, just to get home to Guadalupe. The water rose almost waist-deep. Can you imagine? ‪#‎TV9‬ ‪#‎NightlyNews‬‪#‎Thunderstorm‬ ‪#‎Moonsoon‬ ‪#‎Flooding‬ ‪#‎Flood‬ ‪#‎Throwback‬ ‪#‎Reminisce‬‪#‎StudentLife‬ ‪#‎Manila‬ ‪#‎PWUTaft‬
 — watching Nightly News.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Spend time with someone that matters before it's too late

The best portion of your life will be the small, nameless moments you spend smiling with someone who matters to you


Recently, there are times when I wake up that I feel like I need to move on again. Leave the comfortable life that I have. Times when I'm worn out and I'm losing my focus. 

Yet when I look back, the feeling that I no longer belong to any place runs true. I've lived in places both trying and beautiful, and when the going gets tough as they say, I just moved on. 

Now I'm at a cross road again. First step. Nay or aye?

The Road Not Taken
By Robert Frost 1874-1963

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that, the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden back.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence;
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Now I know my answer...

Two Poems of a Moon Dreamer

My prince, my very own,
I've found him at last!
But he has come and gone,
And I may cry and sigh through the night, 
Alas! He's but a dream forevermore.
Through no fault of his
I'd tell you that much,
For many summers had passed since he breathe his last.
(A tribute to "his" memory)


My world has gone mad.

I see a moon where a cloud hangs above.
The rain is music,
The minarets are loud.
Do you hear it?
Where has it gone?
Yes, I see you.
But that it were a dream,
Your love kills me,
Yet I wake up again and again.
To love you even more.
Sing then my heart,
Til there is no more.