Thursday, August 14, 2014

If A Picture's Worth A Thousand Words, This One's Worth A Million

If A Picture's Worth A Thousand Words, This One's Worth A Million

They say a picture's worth a thousand words, but this one may be worth a million.

11 year-old Liang Yaoyi wanted to be a doctor when he grew up, but unfortunately that dream will never come true. He passed away last Friday from a brain tumor.

But what's so remarkable is what he said to his parents before he died. He told them if he didn't survive, he wanted to donate his organs so that others could live. As Liang's body was being wheeled into surgery to remove his organs, the doctors all bowed and formed a sort of honor guard to show their respect.

"There are many people doing great things in the world," he said to his parents. "They are great, and I want to be a great kid too."

And a great kid he was. 

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