Thursday, December 5, 2013

Hope Is What You Give Yourself. "We Must Not Forget The Yolanda Survivors!"

You may wonder why I've been silent for a while when there are so many things to write about. Well, I have created this blog to share happy thoughts and encouraging ideas. However, November month was the worst month in Philippine history that I could ever remember, and I wouldn't know what to write. I've tried to skip the news and just watch movies, read books and stay home for a while. I've watched PLL so many times that I've almost memorized the lines.

It was when I was watching the Avatar: The Legend of Aang that I got the inspiration to write again. Uncle Iroh says: "You must never give in to despair. Allow yourself to slip to that road and you surrender yourself to your lowest instinct. In the darkest times, HOPE is what you give yourself. That is the meaning of inner strength!" How very true!

So many people perished in the strongest typhoon the world has ever seen in these parts of the world. People are hungry, desperate, traumatized and at a lost of what to do next. My heart goes out to them. I tried to help as much as I can even in simple ways through my company. I can truly say I can relate with them. My family lost our small house and what little material things we have during the Peryang typhoon way back in 2001, I think. There was a flash flood and many of our 'kabaranggays' lost their relatives and material possessions.

I am saddened that with the outpourings of help from private individuals and companies, not to mention foreign aids, people are still suffering from the very basic needs like lack of food. And the government agencies are now saying they will soon stop whatever meager help they are providing the survivors. What has become of these elected people! Kudos to the media and the private companies in their unceasing support especially ABS-CBN. The "Tulong Na Tabang Na Tayo Na" t-shirt help campaign is brilliant. My company is also ordering some of these t-shirts as an additional support.

I am also angry that my taxes which is a hard-earned money looks misspent. I am sorry that I am spreading "hate" ideas in this story. I shouldn't do it, but I can't help it. I will try to refrain in the future as this is not good for my health, and in total contradict with the purpose of this blog. I hope that the "pork barrel" issue will soon be over, and the guilty apprehended.

I would like to end this with a shout out: "Please continue supporting the survivors. You wouldn't want to be in their place as I have been. It's hard enough to lose your loved ones and possessions, it's harder to be hungry and nowhere else to go. And we must all be responsible enough to care about our environment. Nature is unleashing its fury because of our indifference and greed."