Wednesday, August 27, 2014

A Worry-Free Day

They say most Filipinos cannot afford the luxury of eating out. But when you look at how crowded restaurants are, even so early in the morning, one wonders if that was ever the case. I just finished part of my half-fried chicken and fried rice this morning at Good Taste, and I am enjoying my brewed coffee to the max. Worship service was just concluded earlier today. It's pay day, so I can afford a little time away from the usual routine.

Sitting here with a relaxed mind, even after shift with no sleep is truly refreshing. Birds fly inside the building waiting for crumbs and leftovers. The sun is shining outside, and the cool weather promises a beautiful day. I regret that I may not enjoy the whole day since I had to sleep sometime later today, so I can go to work again tonight. But I don't intend to have negative thoughts today. I thank the Lord this day has come to pass. A day when I have the chance to appreciate the good life, and the promise of better days. A day when I don't have to think about my family and their problems. A day not to think of my health issues and career concerns. A worry-free day.

I celebrate the breath I take each day. I celebrate the roof under my head, the food on my table, the clothes I wear, the material things I enjoy. But most of all, I celebrate the free and loving spirit God bestowed upon me. Life is hard, and many days I forget those, and makes me even cynical and hard to live with. But my God is gracious and ever forgiving and caring. He never stopped loving me and showing me the right way. He is always there even when I forget Him in my thoughtlessness. He gave me so much in this life that I know I can never repay Him.

I pray that days like today will be plentiful to see me through bleak days I know I cannot veer away from. But that isn't here nor there. Today, I see a sky - so beautiful and blue. The wind is sweet and caressing. The city is abuzz with activity, but with a joyful sound to it. Nothing in sight to dampen my waking hours. I know not what is in store for me in the days and years ahead. But I have today - and today is enough for a new beginning.


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