Friday, August 29, 2014

Ramon Magsaysay Award - "Asia's equivalent of the Nobel Prize."

There are many award-giving bodies that recognizes significant and truly amazing feats by individuals and organizations in the world. Ramon Magsaysay Award Foundation is one of the most prestigious award-giving bodies in the Philippines. Their website says: 

Since 1958, the Ramon Magsaysay Award is being given to persons - regardless of race, nationality, creed or gender - who address issues of human development in Asia with courage and creativity, and in doing so have made contributions which have transformed their societies for the better.

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Randy Halasan, a teacher who served at a school in Davao City is the only Filipino awardee for this year. A real feat for this hard-working hero of the Matigsalug tribe in the remote town of Sitio Pegalongan, Malamba, Marilog District.

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To Love and To Be Loved

“The most wonderful of all things in life, I believe, is the discovery of another human being with whom one's relationship has a growing depth, beauty, and joy as the years increase. This inner progressiveness of love between two human beings is a most marvelous thing; it cannot be found by looking for it or by passionately wishing for it. It is a sort of divine accident, and the most wonderful of all things in life.”
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Red-Meat Free Meals - Anyone?

It's been five months and a year since I was banned from eating red meat, and this is not just for the duration of my disease. It's for life! There are days when I wanted to throw caution into the wind as they say, and just order a big "lechon" all to myself. But was I ever afraid? I guess I'll just dream of it. Not too often though I hope.

What really is a red meat?


In gastronomy, red meat is darker-colored meat, as contrasted with white meat. The exact definition varies by time, place, and culture, but the meat from adult mammals such as cowssheep, and horses is invariably considered red, while chicken and rabbit meat is invariably considered white. The meat of young mammals such as milk-fed veal calvessheep, and pigs is traditionally considered white; while the meat of duck and goose is considered red. Game is sometimes put in a separate category altogether. (French: viandes noires — "black meats")


The old determinant of the nutritional definition of the color of meat is the concentration of myoglobin. The white meat of chicken has under 0.05%; pork and veal have 0.1–0.3%; young beef has 0.4–1.0%; and old beef has 1.5–2.0%.
According to the USDA all meats obtained from livestock (i.e., from mammals) are red meats because they contain more myoglobin than chicken or fish.
Red meat is not a uniform product; its health effects can vary based on fat content, processing and preparation. Processed red meat is strongly linked to higher mortality, mainly due to cardiovascular diseases and cancer. 


Due to the many studies that have found a link between red meat intake and colorectal cancer, the American Institute for Cancer Research and World Cancer Research Fund stated that there is convincing evidence that red meat intake increases the risk for colorectal cancer.
Professor Sheila Bingham of the Dunn Human Nutrition Unit attributes this to the haemoglobin and myoglobin molecules which are found in red meat. She suggests these molecules, when ingested trigger a process called nitrosation in the gut which leads to the formation of carcinogens. Others have suggested that it is due to the presence of carcinogenic compounds called heterocyclic amines, which are created in the cooking process. However, this may not be limited to red meat, since a study from the Harvard School of Public Health found that people who ate skinless chicken five times or more per week had a 52% higher risk of developing bladder cancer although not people who ate chicken with skin or other red meats such as hot dogs and Hamburgers.
A 2011 study of 17,000 individuals found that people consuming the most grilled and well-done meat had a 56 and 59% higher rate of cancer.
There is suggestive evidence that red meat intake increases the risk of oesophageallungpancreatic and endometrial cancer. As a result, WCRF recommends limiting intake of red meat to less than 300g (11 oz) cooked weight per week, "very little, if any of which to be processed."
Some studies have linked consumption of large amounts of red meat with breast cancer, stomach cancer, lymphoma, bladder cancer, lung cancer and prostate cancer (although other studies have found no relationship between red meat and prostate cancer.
A 2011 study of almost 500,000 participants found that those in the highest quintile of red meat consumption had a 19% increased risk of kidney cancer.
Now this reminds me why I should restrict myself. 

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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

A Worry-Free Day

They say most Filipinos cannot afford the luxury of eating out. But when you look at how crowded restaurants are, even so early in the morning, one wonders if that was ever the case. I just finished part of my half-fried chicken and fried rice this morning at Good Taste, and I am enjoying my brewed coffee to the max. Worship service was just concluded earlier today. It's pay day, so I can afford a little time away from the usual routine.

Sitting here with a relaxed mind, even after shift with no sleep is truly refreshing. Birds fly inside the building waiting for crumbs and leftovers. The sun is shining outside, and the cool weather promises a beautiful day. I regret that I may not enjoy the whole day since I had to sleep sometime later today, so I can go to work again tonight. But I don't intend to have negative thoughts today. I thank the Lord this day has come to pass. A day when I have the chance to appreciate the good life, and the promise of better days. A day when I don't have to think about my family and their problems. A day not to think of my health issues and career concerns. A worry-free day.

I celebrate the breath I take each day. I celebrate the roof under my head, the food on my table, the clothes I wear, the material things I enjoy. But most of all, I celebrate the free and loving spirit God bestowed upon me. Life is hard, and many days I forget those, and makes me even cynical and hard to live with. But my God is gracious and ever forgiving and caring. He never stopped loving me and showing me the right way. He is always there even when I forget Him in my thoughtlessness. He gave me so much in this life that I know I can never repay Him.

I pray that days like today will be plentiful to see me through bleak days I know I cannot veer away from. But that isn't here nor there. Today, I see a sky - so beautiful and blue. The wind is sweet and caressing. The city is abuzz with activity, but with a joyful sound to it. Nothing in sight to dampen my waking hours. I know not what is in store for me in the days and years ahead. But I have today - and today is enough for a new beginning.


Thursday, August 14, 2014

If A Picture's Worth A Thousand Words, This One's Worth A Million

If A Picture's Worth A Thousand Words, This One's Worth A Million

They say a picture's worth a thousand words, but this one may be worth a million.

11 year-old Liang Yaoyi wanted to be a doctor when he grew up, but unfortunately that dream will never come true. He passed away last Friday from a brain tumor.

But what's so remarkable is what he said to his parents before he died. He told them if he didn't survive, he wanted to donate his organs so that others could live. As Liang's body was being wheeled into surgery to remove his organs, the doctors all bowed and formed a sort of honor guard to show their respect.

"There are many people doing great things in the world," he said to his parents. "They are great, and I want to be a great kid too."

And a great kid he was. 

No One Expected This From A 40 YEAR-OLD Woman. It Gave Me Chills

No One Expected This From A 40 YEAR-OLD Woman. It Gave Me Chills

40 year-old Joe Pavey of Great Britain races for gold while competing against the top athletes in the world. She has never won a gold medal before and no woman has EVER won gold at 40 years old in this event.

You have to watch every single second of this. Just... wow.