Friday, June 27, 2014

Chances Are Full Of Possibilities

"The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes," says Benjamin Disraeli. One of the many sayings that I have not taken seriously before it was too late. Too late I say, career-wise and school-wise, at least for me, because I am no longer as young as I was once before. And even if there are still options out there for me, there is nothing like when one is at her or his prime. (That was what I thought then.) Well, I am not that old yet. It is just that there were great opportunities I have passed up that I can never go back to. Beautiful encounters that I can only dreamt about now. I have long since stopped pining for things I can never have, and learned to live by and nurture what was given to me in abundance. 

     The Successful Achievement Courses teaches us that: "Do not be discouraged because you have not been able to determine upon your career earlier in life. There is a great difference between young people in the ages at which they come to maturity of thought and judgement.While one boy may know at fifteen what he wishes to do in life, another may not know until he is thirty, or even older."

So, it is never really late to achieve great success in life even at the later part of one's life. Many great achievers reached success in life at old age. I didn't say we have to wait so late in life to achieve what we most desired. It only teaches us that it pays to be ready all the time.

     "Success in life depends upon the proportional capacity of storing up energy, the laying of foundations, columns of reserves, of momentum, of power. A great many people spend a large part of life getting ready, laying broad and deep foundations, and then, when the opportunity comes they fling up a mighty structure, which surprises the world. But they had the reserve, they were equipped, they were trained. Their whole previous life had been preparation for this one great opportunity, " Dr. Sidney N. Bremmer.

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