Friday, June 27, 2014

Chances Are Full Of Possibilities

"The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes," says Benjamin Disraeli. One of the many sayings that I have not taken seriously before it was too late. Too late I say, career-wise and school-wise, at least for me, because I am no longer as young as I was once before. And even if there are still options out there for me, there is nothing like when one is at her or his prime. (That was what I thought then.) Well, I am not that old yet. It is just that there were great opportunities I have passed up that I can never go back to. Beautiful encounters that I can only dreamt about now. I have long since stopped pining for things I can never have, and learned to live by and nurture what was given to me in abundance. 

     The Successful Achievement Courses teaches us that: "Do not be discouraged because you have not been able to determine upon your career earlier in life. There is a great difference between young people in the ages at which they come to maturity of thought and judgement.While one boy may know at fifteen what he wishes to do in life, another may not know until he is thirty, or even older."

So, it is never really late to achieve great success in life even at the later part of one's life. Many great achievers reached success in life at old age. I didn't say we have to wait so late in life to achieve what we most desired. It only teaches us that it pays to be ready all the time.

     "Success in life depends upon the proportional capacity of storing up energy, the laying of foundations, columns of reserves, of momentum, of power. A great many people spend a large part of life getting ready, laying broad and deep foundations, and then, when the opportunity comes they fling up a mighty structure, which surprises the world. But they had the reserve, they were equipped, they were trained. Their whole previous life had been preparation for this one great opportunity, " Dr. Sidney N. Bremmer.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Choose To Be Optimistic

June 27, 2014

I have often wondered if life has more to offer after all these years. I honestly can say that I am no longer "that" afraid to leave this world should the One Almighty choose to take me away from it. There are many things I have not had the chance to do or to accomplish yet. It used to depressed me a lot. But somehow along the way, I have discovered that I should stop stressing myself about it. I know that people are destined for different roles in life and there is no merit in sacrificing happiness over something that it can never be yours.

Reading magazine enlightened me further about why we should "Choose to be optimistic," said the Dalai Lama."It feels better." New science from the Harvard School of Public Health suggests he's right. Researchers say that cheerful people have fewer heart attacks and strokes, higher levels of "good" HDL cholesterol, and lower levels of triglycerides than gloomier people. Bonus: The more upbeat you are, the more cancer-fighting carotenoids you have in your bloodstream.There's no magic involved, the researchers note: Optimistic people tend to eat right, exercise, and take good care of themselves. The sunnier life seems, the more you're motivated to stick around to enjoy it.

One Day In A Year, May 29

May 29, 2014

This is an unexpected time when I got to bond with few of my friends here in Baguio. I do not normally celebrate my birthday, only because it reminds me that another year has been added in my life. But who wouldn't want to cheer another year of survival. A trophy for this cold uncaring world. I guess I should have spent it with my family especially with my aging mother, but I haven't had the chance to go home to our town. I do miss them and I have been planning and planning to visit them, but never had the chance to do it yet. I know, thousands of alibis but believe me it's in my to-do list in the very near future. They said that it helps (with my healing) to bond with family and friends. But since I am not able to do that all the time.I try to find alternatives for this. 

A story written by Sarah Mahoney published in the says: 


      The story says: "You know that feeling of being so engrossed in something enjoyable that you lose tack of time? Psychologists call that flow, an experience so pleasant that nothing else seems to exists. It can come from anything that absorbs you, from biking to knitting to devouring a Stephen King thriller. 

These engrossing leisure pursuits are the secret to aging well: A recent study of more than 3,500 older Japanese people found that those who had hobbies had less cognitive decline than those without. Not sure what floats your boat? If you can't remember the last time you were that riveted, try a few things that have always been on your to-do list but keep getting nudged to the bottom by the have-to activities."

I sure have a lot of hobbies to make me busy and blissfully happy. One thing I love the most is reading books and writing ideas and such stuff. Sometimes I get lost in some songs or I just tune up the music and let it drain away sore muscles and headaches. I sure love the weekend....